Friday, September 21, 2018

A Journey with the Jett-man

After having chronicled Jett's accident and the early recovery, I have spoken with Morgan about continuing to write about the victories and the struggles that continue.  

Morgan and Matt have a very smart and active little boy to raise.  He does have struggles that other children do not, but at this point in time they are not really apparent to him.  (But they sure are to his mommy!)

God wastes none of our pain.  When we bring the brokenness to Him, with honest hearts and open ears, He will help us, lead us, and bring blessing from even the struggles.  We surely know that from our experiences with Him these past two years! 

As humans, especially us mothers, we want to 'fix' what is broken.  We want to kiss it and make it better.  We want to make the path smooth and easy.  Unlike us, God knows that some struggles are worth the pain, some are necessary for us to become stronger, some bring us into more intimate relationship with Him, and some are just downright our own rebellious decisions. 

As Jett started pre-K this year, things weren't as smooth sailing as we would have liked.  But his mother shared with me today that they were quite smooth as far as Jett was concerned, it was just her that had experienced some turbulence. Jett loves school and never acts like he doesn't want to be there.  He also knows there are rules, and he understands that he breaks some of them.  Trouble is, he thinks about that after he has already broken them! 

Hummm...  Imagine that.  

I too, know that God has expectations of me.  I know there are things to which He has said "don't".  And I too, find myself having done those things without hesitation. 

I don't know where this new blog will go.  I just know that the lessons I learn and the whispers of His still small Voice continue to reach my heart as I watch the little boy and his family continue to live the life they have been granted. 

As Eli advised Samuel, "....if the voice calls again, say, 'Speak, GOD. I'm your servant, ready to listen.'" 


1 comment:

  1. Connie I enjoy reading about Nett. God was and is great during Jetts recovery and with his life now. Tears were shed but happiness prevailes as I read of his well being now. Thanks for the up date on one of God's many little ones.
